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About us

SORTS has been created by a team of academic psychologists at the University of Cambridge in consultation with mental health practitioners, school staff and young people

The SORTS team includes Dr Anne-Marie Burn (Senior Research Associate and co-lead), Dr Joanna Anderson (Senior Research Associate and co-lead), Hayley Gains (Research Assistant) and Poppy Hall (Research Assistant).

We are part of the ChARM group (Child and Adolescent Resilience and Mental Health) in the Department of Psychiatry. Our research focuses on developing school-based interventions and evaluating their impact and efficacy. Find out more information about our research group here.

We would like to thank The Charlie Waller Trust and our local partner schools for collaborating with us on this study.

SORTS was developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge and funded by UKRI MRC (Public Health Intervention Development (PHIND); MR/Y503277/1).